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Lurker (1/6)



  1. Sorry, nevermind i fixed it. Turns out light blocks count as target blocks sorry.
  2. on left click: if player's targeted block is red concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to red wool send "&aSelected color &4Red" if player's targeted block is orange concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to orange wool send "&aSelected color &6Orange" if player's targeted block is yellow concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to yellow wool send "&aSelected color &eYellow" if player's targeted block is lime concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to lime wool send "&aSelected color &aLime" if player's targeted block is green concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to green wool send "&aSelected color &2Green" if player's targeted block is light blue concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to light blue wool send "&aSelected color &bLight Blue" if player's targeted block is blue concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to blue wool send "&aSelected color &1Blue" if player's targeted block is pink concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to pink wool send "&aSelected color &cPink" if player's targeted block is magenta concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to magenta wool send "&aSelected color &dMagenta" if player's targeted block is purple concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to purple wool send "&aSelected color &5Purple" if player's targeted block is brown concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to brown wool send "&aSelected color &x&c&8&7&c&3&3Brown" if player's targeted block is light gray concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to light gray wool send "&aSelected color &7Light Gray" if player's targeted block is gray concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to gray wool send "&aSelected color &8Gray" if player's targeted block is black concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to black wool send "&aSelected color &0Black" if player's targeted block is white concrete: set {paintcolor::%player%} to white wool send "&aSelected color &fWhite" It worked before, but now it doesn't at all. I'm not sure why, I didn't change anything.
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