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Everything posted by w2llplayzz

  1. command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: trigger: if player does not have permission "ban.use": send "&cYou are not permitted to run this command!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/ban (player) [reason] [-s]" stop if arg-1 has permission "ban.use": send "&cThat player cannot be banned!" stop if player is not set: set {_p} to "CONSOLE" else: set {_p} to player if arg-1 is banned: send "&cThat player is already banned!" stop if arg-2 is not set: set {_r} to "N/A" else: set {_r} to arg-2 if {_r} contains "-s": replace all " -s" and "-s " with "" in {_r} set {_silent} to true if {_silent} is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "ban.use": send "&7&o(SILENT) &b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" to loop-player else: broadcast "&b%{_p}% &7banned &b%arg-1% &7for &c%{_r}% &7[FOREVER]" ban arg-1 due to {_r} if arg-1 is online: kick arg-1 due to "&7You are now banned! If you think this is an error, report it at https://discord.gg/SXdVPt9E8U! &bReason: &7%{_r}%" add arg-1 to {banlist::*} Please help me make the ban reason have multiple lines! Thanks!
  2. most likely minehut everyone rns servers are crashing
  3. hey trent my server "overcastsmp.minehut.gg" isnt starting it will try to start but then when i wait it hibernates itself again nothing will work ive been trying since 3 days ago. please help image.thumb.png.8b1c3a47c7139f879c8b14bf4d372f99.png

  4. i downloaded a plugin from my freind which gave him access to my console which he then locked the console tab so only commands like minecraft:pardon and stuff with minecraft: before it any help please?
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