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  1. I'm having trouble creating my own recipes ive currently installed Skript and SkQuery Code in Visual studio code: on load: register new shaped recipe for nether star named "Star Of &cLife" using diamond block, gold block, diamond block, netherite scrap, totem of undying, netherite scrap, diamond block, gold block, diamond block
  2. Something went wrong while i tried to use some of the commands in the duels plugin?? ive tried reinstalling giving all of the perms to myself??
  3. Whenever i try to load my lifesteal plugin this error pops up indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 12 spaces line 9 + 10 options: p: &8[&4Lifesteal&8] command /resethearts [<number>]: aliases: /reseth permission: lifesteal.hearts permission message: "{@p}: &4You don't have permission for this command!" trigger: set player's max health to arg-1 send "{@p} Succesfully resetted" to player
  4. this was topic was a mistake
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