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Everything posted by Rufen

  1. Don't ask me for stuff I'm retired ._.

    1. Killerss7517222


      you bc minecraft comes with the comman /ul

  2. I guess I don't exist. edit: ayy I exist again cya _Gingey_ o/
  3. If you use essentials /setjail jailname /jail player jailname time next time ask in help
  4. As Nick said Warzone holds a special place in Minehut history. When I first started moderating for Minehut in 2016 it was an official server run by MH staff and severed as a community hangout. All the old "popular" players and legacy staff got their start on Warzone. Fun fact getting banned on Warzone for hacking was a ban from the network lol. As SLG took over Minehut an unwritten part of the deal with that us old timers could keep our hangout considering for many it was the only thing on MH they cared about. With that said players are not allowed to upload custom plugins to their server doing so will get you suspended and possible further repercussions. Side note: Yeah TGM sucks that's why want to go to PGM ._.
  5. As citeful said credits cannot be transferred.
  6. I think I just fond my new profile banner.
  7. Pickaxe chat or set up a discord bot.
  8. Appeal here: https://forums.minehut.com/forum/818-reports-appeals-information/ Edit: if you mean from your player server then unban yourself from the console with /pardon username can't really tell what you mean from your wording.
  9. Rufen

    goBrush error

    Not sure I have never used goBrush on Minehut was hopping it would speed up a project of mine.
  10. Rufen

    goBrush error

    Let me know if that one cant be opened
  11. Rufen

    goBrush error

  12. Rufen

    goBrush error

  13. Rufen

    goBrush error

    Just says "An internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command" when you try to use any goBrush command. In the SS it shows up as Red and FASW is installed.
  14. Rufen

    goBrush error

    Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gobrush.23118/ Plugin requires FAWE but when installed correctly has an error.
  15. I rather bully them tbh who wants to be friends with MH staff ewww (For that one guy who wants to take this out of context its a joke)
  16. Oh fun some new fresh meat! (except for Vedlon)
  17. Whats with the inapp Puro smh get out of here

  18. No and it will never be allowed not just because of issues with servers, but we believe in paying the devs and workers who make Minecraft for their hard work. Using cracked MC is in a way stealing. I recommend buying an account on minecraft.net
  19. Please use the appeals section. Locked.
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