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  1. # Set home for player command /sethome [<text>]: description: "Set your home" trigger: if arg-1 is not set : send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have to set home name" to player send "" else: if {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} is set: send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| This home name already exist. Try use another name" send "" else: set {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} to location of player set {homenames::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} to arg-1 send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| Your home %arg-1% was set" to player send "" # Delete players home command /delhome [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have to define your home name" to player send "" else: if {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} is not set: send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have to define valid home name" to player send "" else: delete {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} delete {homenames::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| Your home %arg-1% was deleted" to player send "" #List player's homes command /listhomes: trigger: if {homenames::%player's uuid%::*} is not set: send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have no home set" else: send "&9&lXBUST &f| Your homes: &a&l%{homenames::%player's uuid%::*}%" # Teleport player to his home command /home [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have to define home name" to player send "" else: if {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} is not set: send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You have to define valid home name" to player send "" else: teleport player to {home::%player's uuid%::%arg-1%} send "" send "&9&lXBUST &f| You've been teleported to %arg-1%&7 home" send "" command /homes: trigger: stop command /homes: trigger: set
  2. command /rtp: cooldown: 10 seconds cooldown message: &4Stop! &cYou can only teleport to a random location every 10 seconds. trigger: set {_x} to round(random number between -1000 and 1000) set {_z} to round(random number between -1000 and 1000) set {_block} to block at location at ({_x}, 0, {_z}) in world event-world loop all blocks above {_block}: if loop-block is air: block below loop-block is not water block below loop-block is not air if block above loop-block is air: teleport player to loop-block send "&aTeleported to a random location" to player
  3. command /sethome <string>: description: Sets your home permission: skript.home executable by: players trigger: set {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} to location of player message "Set your home <green>%arg-1%<reset> to <grey>%location of player%<reset>" command /delhome <string>: description: Deletes your home permission: skript.home executable by: players trigger: clear {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} message "Deleted your home <green>%arg-1%<reset>" command /home <string>: description: Teleports yourself to your home permission: skript.home executable by: players trigger: if {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%} is not set: message "You have not set your home <green>%arg-1%<reset> yet!" else: teleport player to {homes::%uuid of player%::%arg-1%}
  4. options: blacklist: wither skeleton skull prefix: &dFs11 command /dupe [<number>]: trigger: if {@blacklist} contains type of tool: send "{@prefix} &3| &3You cannot dupe that item!" stop else: if arg-1 is not set: add player's tool to player's inventory stop else: if arg-1 is less than 2: add player's tool to player's inventory stop else: if arg-1 is more than 5: loop 6 times: add player's tool to player's inventory stop else: loop arg-1 times: add player's tool to player's inventory
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