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Everything posted by SIG12

  1. Do /pardon (username) on your console
  2. You need to put a "." for variables. Example: {afkreward.%loop-player%}
  3. I'm not sure if you're new to skript or you just had to hurry with this skript but it doesn't work. First of all, the broadcast won't work without the " ", Then I would instead of using "on damage", I would use "on right click on entity" then check if the entity is a player. Your indention is also very bad. Example:
  4. You can watch a video from Fan Staaff or read the guide from UntitledGoose or you could do is look at the SpigotMC link to understand MRL more. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mineresetlite.5773/
  5. Odd question, but only on the server you hacked on not on minehut
  6. Have you tried making your own skript yet? If so, post it here so people can help you, if not just try make one first.
  7. I wouldn't use "every 0.05 seconds", that would make your server super laggy.
  8. You should probably learn the basics because "set slot" is only used for GUIS.
  9. should I be reviving this?
  10. I'm pretty sure you need plugins and I think the plugins are outdated. I'm not sure about this tho
  11. Idk if I'm late or if you already solved this but you add remove 1 paper (name) with (lore) from player's inventory. I'm too lazy to put it down there so you can do it.
  12. Again, not making skripts just want ideas. You can ask this guy:
  13. Just want some skript ideas cause I'm bored (I'm not making them just ideas)
  14. Here's the base code (You can add what you want): (You don't need addons for this, it's vanilla) function suffix(p: player): set {_s} to a new chest inventory with 4 rows with name "&eSuffix" set slot 10 of {_s} to nametag named "Suffix" open {_s} to {_p} command /suffix: trigger: suffix(player)
  15. If you don't understand just follow this video (Follow how they install skript, put the skript into the files and it should be all good from there): Okay so, basically you first add the plugin "Skript" to your server. You can manually add it if you'd like, download the skript plugin here: https://github.com/SkriptLang/Skript/releases Then once you're finished downloading it, start your server, go to "File Manager" then go to "Plugins" press the "Upload File" then once you're done uploading skript into your server, restart it. Then when you're done adding skript, you should have this folder in your plugins tab, then click on it Click on this: Create a file, name it whatever you want but add .sk at the end, then paste the skript into the file, go in game then type "/sk reload (file name)" Then it should be done
  16. Commands: /giant - Gives you the giant sword Addons: SkBee Code: # Addons Needed: SkBee options: # Permission perm: giant.use # Perm Here noperm: &cYou cannot do this command! # No Perm message here # Sounds success: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 to the player fail: play sound "entity.bat.death" with volume 1 to the player tpsound: play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 2 to player giantsound: play sound "block.anvil.land" with volume 1 to the player command /giant: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: give player 1 of unbreakable diamond sword named "&eGiant Sword" with lore "&6Item Ability: Giant's Slam &e&LRIGHT CLICK" and "&7Slam your giant sword into the ground dealing &e100,000&7 damage while doing so!" and "" and "&6&lLEGENDARY SWORD" on right click: if player's held item is diamond sword: if name of player's held item is "&eGiant Sword": {@giantsound} send action bar "&b-150 Mana &7(&eGiant Slam&7)" to player spawn giant at location of player set name of last spawned entity to "Dinnerbone" apply invisibility 1 to last spawned entity for 999 minutes add "{NoAI:1b}" to nbt of last spawned entity set tool of last spawned giant to diamond sword play huge explosion at the player damage all entities in radius 100 around player where [input is not a player] by 30 hearts wait 2 seconds set tool of last spawned giant to air wait 2 tick kill last spawned giant Pictures:
  17. SIG12

    validation error

    You should probably install essentials chat and vault (Just to test it)
  18. I just use vs-code then when I copy paste the code it just does that
  19. Commands: /gmc - Sets your gamemode to Creative /gms - Sets your gamemode to Survival /gma - Sets your gamemode to Adventure /gmsp - Sets your gamemode to Spectator /spawn - Teleports you to the set spawn /setspawn - Sets the world spawn /delspawn - Deletes spawn /clear - It will clear a player's inventory /repair - Repair's your held item /ec - Opens a players enderchest /invsee - Opens a players inventory /tp - Teleports to a player /tphere - Teleports a player to you /tpall - Teleports all online players to you /home - Teleports you to your home /sethome - Sets your home to your current location /delhome - Lets you delete your home /enchant - Enchants your held item to a minecraft enchantment /kill - Kills a player /suicide - Kills you /trash - Opens the trash menu Note: I only included the important ones and didn't want to include the punishments ones like the mutes and stuff. Code: # Essentials Skript # Made by SIG12 # DISCLAIMER: There is no /ban, /kick and other punishment stuff, It also doesn't have ALOT of the commands and such. I made this just for the important commands and the most useful commands. # Options options: # Misc/Other p: &8[&9Essentials&8] # Permission perm: essential.use # Perm Here noperm: &cYou cannot do this command! # No Perm message here # Sounds success: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 to the player fail: play sound "entity.bat.death" with volume 1 to the player tpsound: play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 2 to player # Gamemode command /gmc [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: gamemode(player, creative) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bCreative!" to player {@success} else: gamemode(arg-1, creative) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bCreative!" to player {@success} command /gms [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: gamemode(player, survival) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bSurvival!" to player {@success} else: gamemode(arg-1, survival) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bSurvival!" to player {@success} command /gmsp [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: gamemode(player, spectator) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bSpectator!" to player {@success} else: gamemode(arg-1, spectator) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bSpectator!" to player {@success} command /gma [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: gamemode(player, adventure) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bAdventure!" to player {@success} else: gamemode(arg-1, adventure) send "{@p} &7You have set &e%player%&7's gamemode to &bAdventure!" to player {@success} # Spawn command /spawn: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if {spawn} is set: teleport player to {spawn} send "{@p} &eYou have teleported to spawn!" {@tpsound} else: send "{@p} &cSpawn is not set!" {@fail} command /setspawn: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "{@p} &eYou have set spawn to &b%{spawn}%" {@success} command /delspawn: aliases: /deletespawn, /unsetspawn, /spawnunset permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if {spawn} is set: delete {spawn} send "{@p} &cYou deleted your spawn!" {@success} else: send "{@p} &cSpawn is not set!" {@fail} # Clear command /clear [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: clear player's inventory send "&eCleared!" {@success} else: clear arg-1's inventory send "&eCleared!" {@success} # Repair command /repair: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: repair player's held item # Ender Chest / Invsee command /ec [<player>]: aliases: /enderchest, /viewechest, /viewenderchest permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open player's ender chest to player send "{@p} &eViewing %player%&e's enderchest!" {@success} else: open arg-1's ender chest to player send "{@p} &eViewing %arg-1%&e's enderchest!" {@success} command /invsee [<player>]: aliases: /inventorysee, /viewinventory permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open player's inventory to player send "{@p} &eViewing %player%&e's inventory!" {@success} else: open arg-1's inventory to player send "{@p} &eViewing %arg-1%&e's inventory!" {@success} # Teleportation command /tp [<player>]: aliases: /teleport permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@p} &cYou cannot teleport yourself!" {@fail} else: teleport player to arg-1 send "{@p} &eTeleported to &e%arg-1%" {@success} command /tphere [<player>]: aliases: /teleporthere permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@p} &cYou cannot teleport yourself!" {@fail} else: teleport arg-1 to player send "{@p} &eTeleported %arg-1%&e to yourself!" {@success} command /tpall: aliases: /teleportall permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: teleport all players to player send "{@p} &eTeleported all players to yourself!" {@success} # Homes command /sethome: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: set {home.%player%} to player's location send "{@p} &eYou have set your home!" {@success} command /home: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if {home.%player%} is not set: send "{@p} &cYou need to set your home!" {@fail} else: teleport player to {home.%player%} send "{@p} &eYou teleported to your home!" {@success} command /delhome [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {home.%player%} is set: delete {home.%player%} send "&eYou have deleted your home!" {@success} else: send "&cYou don't have a home set!" {@fail} else if arg-1 is set: if {home.%arg-1%} is set: delete {home.%arg-1%} send "&eYou have deleted &e%arg-1%&e's home!" {@success} else: send "&c%arg-1% &cdoesn't have a home set!" {@fail} # Enchant command /enchant [<enchantment type>]: aliases: /ench permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is set: enchant player's tool with arg-1 send "{@p} &eYou have enchanted your tool with &E%arg-1%" {@success} else: send "&CYou need an enchantment type for this!" {@fail} # Suicide/Kill command /suicide: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: kill player send "&6You suicided!" send "&7Suicide/Self-Harm Immediate 24/7 Hotlines:" send "&7USA Suicide Hotline" send "&7Phone Number: 1-800-273-8255" command /kill [<player>]: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: kill player send "&eYou killed yourself!" {@success} else: kill arg-1 send "&eYou killed %arg-1%" {@success} # Trash command /trash: aliases: /disposal trigger: trash(player) on inventory click: if name of player's inventory is "&eDisposal": if event-slot is 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53: cancel event if event-slot is 49: cancel event close player's inventory send "&6Disposed!" to player {@success} # Money System command /bal [<player>]: aliases: /money, /balance trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@p} &eYour Balance: &b%{money::%player's uuid%}%" else: send "{@p} &e%arg-1% &eBalance: &b%{money::%arg-1's uuid%}%" command /eco [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]: aliases: /ecoadmin, /eadmin, /moneyadmin permission: {@perm} permission message: {@noperm} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8-----------------" send "&e/eco give (player) (number)" send "&dEx. /eco give &d%player%&d 10" send "" send "&e/eco reset (player)" send "&dEx. /eco reset &d%player%" send "" send "&e/eco set (player) (number)" send "&dEx. /eco set &d%player% &d10" send "" send "&e/eco remove (player) (number)" send "&dEx. /eco remove &d%player% &d10" {@success} send "&8-----------------" else if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "give" or "add": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: add arg-3 to {money::%arg-2's uuid%} send "{@p} &eYou added &E%arg-3% &eto %arg-2%&e's balance!" {@success} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a number!" {@fail} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a player!" {@fail} if arg-1 is "reset": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set {money::%arg-2's uuid%} to 0 send "{@p} &eYou reseted &e%arg-2%&e's balance!" {@success} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a number!" {@fail} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a player!" {@fail} if arg-1 is "set": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: set {money::%arg-2's uuid%} to arg-3 send "{@p} &eYou set &E%arg-3%&e's balance to &e%arg-2%&e!" {@success} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a number!" {@fail} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a player!" {@fail} if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: remove arg-3 from {money::%arg-2's uuid%} send "{@p} &eYou removed &E%arg-3% from &e%arg-2%&e's balance!" {@success} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a number!" {@fail} else: send "{@p} &cYou need a player!" {@fail} on join: if {money::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {money::%player's uuid%} to 0 # Functions function gamemode(p: player, t: gamemode): set {_p}'s gamemode to {_t} function trash(p: player): set {_trash} to a new chest inventory with 6 rows with name "&eDisposal" set slot 49 of {_trash} to barrier named "&cTrash" set slot 45 and 46 and 47 and 48 and 50 and 51 and 52 and 53 of {_trash} to gray stained glass pane named "&8" send "&eOpening disposal.." to {_p} open {_trash} to {_p}
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