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About OnlyPeak

  • Birthday 12/23/2007

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  1. on mine: #Haste if lore of player's item contains "&5&m&fHaste I": chance of 5%: apply haste 1 to player for 5 seconds if lore of player's item contains "&5&m&fHaste II": chance of 10%: apply haste 1 to player for 5 seconds if lore of player's item contains "&5&m&fHaste III": chance of 20%: apply haste 1 to player for 5 seconds This is ur fixed code, ur only problem is ur lore
  2. Hey if you post this in the skript Help category I will be more than happy to help
  3. Lol I didn't even notice Apologies for necroposting lol
  4. @MEXABOO So what im guessing is that u want locked areas sort of like prison server mines that u can only unlock using something like /rankup? Please let me know so I can see if I can help!
  5. Hey this script wasn't made by me so don't give me any credit, but hopefully this helps! options: #Minimum amount of blocks farm from X cord to tp to min.x: -500 #maximum amount of blocks farm from X cord to tp to max.x: 500 #Minimum amount of blocks farm from Z cord to tp to min.z: -500 #maximum amount of blocks farm from Z cord to tp to max.z: 500 #Amount of time before the player will be allowed to use the command again cooldown: 10 minutes #Avoid spawning in lava, water and air avoid: air or water block or lava block #To add worlds it would look like # worlds: "world" or "world_nether" or "world_the_end" worlds: "world" #Permission permission: randomtp.use #No permission message PermMsg: &4You do not have permission to use this command! #Can not execute command in this world message NoWorldMsg: &4You can’t use this command in this world! #Cooldown message SpamMsg: &4Please do not spam this command! NoMoveMsg: &4Please do not move until you get teleported! Command /randomtp: description: Teleports player to random location not in water permission: {@permission} permission message: {@PermMsg} aliases: /rtp, /wild, /random trigger: if world is not {@worlds}: send "{@NoWorldMsg}" else: if difference between {cooldowns::randomtp::%player%} and now < {@cooldown}: send "{@SpamMsg}" else: send "{@NoMoveMsg}" rtp(player) function rtp(p: player): delete {movewait.%{_p}%} set {_loc::old} to {_p}'s location continueRtpLOOP({_p}, {_loc::old}) function continueRtpLOOP(p: player, oldloc: location): if {_p}'s location is {_oldloc}: set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z} in {_p}'s world loop blocks above {_loc::new}: if loop-block and block above loop-block are air: if block under loop-block is not air or water or lava: set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block teleport {_p} to {_loc::new} set {cooldowns::randomtp::%{_p}%} to now if light level at {_p} <= 2: set block at {_p} to torch stop stop wait 2 ticks continueRtpLOOP({_p}, {_oldloc})
  6. If you wish to add levels then you should be able to find a website or another forum post that allows you to parse numbers from a colored piece of text in order to change something within your custom enchant, all you have to do is a little bit of research
  7. Perhaps you have a skript addon that is out of date, Usually this is TuSKe. All you need to do is to update it if it is out of date! but please let me know if this helped at all!
  8. Hey! To my understanding this skript should work, if it doesn't please let me know! Although if it does, please like this reply! on place: if event-block is a shulker box: loop all items in event-blocks inventory: if loop-item is a [blacklisted] # replace [blacklisted] with any items you dont want(if there are multiple just add "or" between them. remove loop-item from event-blocks inventory
  9. Hello, To my knowledge you would most likely have to base this off of the lore on an item. To my understanding this would be done by checking the lore on a players item every time it changes. something like: On tool change: if lore of event item contains "colored name of enchant" #do stuff Please let me know if this helped!
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