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Everything posted by notserdjo

  1. Hi im working a litle skript for my server and i want to know if it is possible to check if an end portal has an eye in it or not #Chek End Portal on rightclick: if target block is end portal frame: if player's tool = ender eye: if target block is = end portal frame eye=true: send formatted "&4&lThat Fram has alredy been filled" to player if target block is = end portal frame eye=false: send formatted "&5You placed One &kf&r&5 Eye &kf&r" to player else: send formatted "&4&lYou dont have an Eye to put on the frame!!!!!" to player this is the skrit that i ahve and it send me a error message saying that he could not compare the end portla frame eye=true if some one could help me this i would be very gratefull (the server is 1.17.1 and the skript version is thenewes i guess (minehut doesnot tell me that info)
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