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Lurker (1/6)



  1. this should work: on join: wait 1 tick while player is alive: loop all blocks in radius 5 around the player: if loop-block is a Block of Diamond: wait 3 seconds set {_loc} to location of loop-block add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {_loc} drop a diamond at {_loc} wait 1 second but I recommend doing something like this: function checkGen(plr: player): loop all blocks in radius 5 around {_plr}: if loop-block is a Block of Diamond: wait 3 seconds set {_loc} to location of loop-block add 0.5 to y-coordinate of {_loc} drop a diamond at {_loc} every 1 second: loop all players: checkGen(loop-player)
  2. So I was just making my server with WorldEdit and I made the selection a bit too big that it crashed my server. So I just decided to restart the server and when I joined back I saw that my skripts werent working and when I checked through the dashboard, every single plugins and folders disappeared expect for "bStats". I restarted multiple times but it still doesn't come back. What do I do? I also found these in the logs: [14:15:48] [Server thread/WARN]: **************************** [14:15:48] [Server thread/WARN]: YOU ARE RUNNING THIS SERVER AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE OR ROOT USER. THIS IS NOT ADVISED. [14:15:48] [Server thread/WARN]: YOU ARE OPENING YOURSELF UP TO POTENTIAL RISKS WHEN DOING THIS. [14:15:48] [Server thread/WARN]: FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE https://madelinemiller.dev/blog/root-minecraft-server/ [14:15:48] [Server thread/WARN]: ****************************
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