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Posts posted by Preinstalled

  1. 11 hours ago, Imadoofus said:

    Hello everyone reading this post...

    I think this new update on Minehut is actually pretty cool it gives us more variability to our servers. (It is still not much 😞 ) However, I have seen a lot of people also complain about the 12 plugin cap. The problem here is that to make a functional server on Minehut you would need more plugins than that. For example just to get a scoreboard for your server you only need one plugin. So you might ask, "What is the problem?" The issue is that to make a scoreboard with what you want on it (Kills, money, etc) then you would need somewhere around five plugins or even more! That was only an example. To protect a region on your server that takes 2-3 plugins to do. To just have the most basic essentials for your server that can use up to five plugins. Then there are plugins you want on your server, that are not even the ones to make it work. These plugins are just to fancy things up. At that point in time you already have no more space and the only way to get past that is to pay or vote every single day for Minehut. I think they should make the mandatory plugins not count towards the limit.

    The conclusion here is that unless you want a close to vanilla server to just play with your few friends. Then this "free server hosting network" is not really that free is it?

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    I'm just kind of mad that I spent weeks on end developing servers just to have to pay for them. In fact it's cheaper to just host your own server. I mean why not, you get to decide the player count and everything also, it's practically free just harder to do. 

    Edit: I forgot to add that the storage for plugins costs basically nothing. I think the reason for the 12 plugin cap is strictly Minehut just trying to have more servers offline to lower the lag from the recent popularity on Minehut.

    Hey there, I guess Ruffen included that you can use Skript for the scoreboard and Vault for the basic essentials economy or make a custom economy with just a matter of variables and as for protecting areas you need two plugins, World Edit and World Guard so, the total plugins now are 4 (Exceptionally 5 if vault is included), You can get Luck Perms for ranking which makes the total 5 (or 6), now talking about essentials we can get essentials and essentials chat which makes the total 7 now, moving on to fancy stuff we can get HolographicDisplay which makes it 8 and adding a store will help you get some donations which is Tebex or CraftingStore making the total 9 with 3 more free slots down your pocket.

    To a conclusion to the plugins limit, 12 plugins capacity is enough to make a decent server and if you don't know what skript is, there's always minehut's youtube channel to help you out. 

    Coming over to the other hosting brand, minehut provides us with platforms to advertise your server without going through different websites to publish your server and mostly you can earn more money off minehut and even get more discord users as compared to some other free hosting brand.

    And finally coming up to the free hosting, its still free, just to enhance your servers population and to use more plugins you gotta pay, it used to be even worse before where you used to have to be happy with 4 - 6 plugins without any configs,

    Talking about not being able to afford packages, you always have tebex or craftingstore to help you out with earning sufficient money for a month or two of slots and plugin limit or you can always vote for a month and get more than the amount of credits needed for the 720/month package.

  2. On 5/2/2020 at 12:07 PM, McBuilds said:

    Hi there,


    I would like to request the option to add the Brewery plugin to the server. Its a wonderfull plugin that adds brews to your server. You can customize it a lot and works well even with slimefun items. Yet its very light on servers, creating barely any load. So it would be a good fit.


    Depending on your preference, i added the plugins download page of both bukkit and spigot



    Lovely plugin, +1 

    3 hours ago, XCamy said:

    excuse me me sir I do not like the way u are talking in this text I feel like u are being Really rude to us nons can u please stop my mum works for Minecraft she can ban u from Minecraft for life and u will NEVER be able to your back the good Minecraft we all love xoxox



  3. 16 hours ago, TheRealHypickle said:

    I think you should be able to pay for plugins or players without having a daily subscription.

    It used to be that not more than 2 years ago and it gets even more expensive.

    • Like 1
  4. I mean, what's wrong with 1 GB of ram and 12 plugins? You could mostly use skript for essentials and its addons. Or just vote for a month and you'll be fine with your server with unlimited plugins and 20 slots, that's what i've been doing right now or if you are impatient and can't wait a month the only two options is to either pay or stay with the 12 plugins slot.

  5. 2 hours ago, Raintisthebest said:

    Hello I am Raint my server is called RaintPvp and I need a good skripter for my server I will pay basted on the what the store generates. Message me on discord if you are interested. My discord is SoupySoup#7715

    Hook me up on discord, Preinstalled#7025

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  6. 17 minutes ago, s4L_33 said:

    An ad at the bottom of the screen was shielding the error message that the name was already in use. 

    That means someone has already taken the name you are trying to take, you need to have a unique name for your server. if the error message appears you might need to change the name of your server since there's no possible way for you to get the name unless the server name owner changes his or her server name,

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