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  1. I don't know if this is what you need but at least try it on explode: cancel event
  2. Try this it's a tp ask command Command are: /tpask <player> ( /tpa ) /tpaccept ( /tpac ) /tpdeny ( /tpd ) command /tpask [<player>]: aliases: /tpa trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if {tpalist::*} contains arg-1: send "&a%arg-1% &falready have a tpa request pending." else: if arg-1 is player: send "&fThis is &ayou!" else: add arg-1 to {tpalist::*} add player to {tpalist.%arg-1%::*} send "&bYou have a tpa request.%newline%&aType /tpaccept to accept it.%newline%&cType /tpdeny to deny it." to arg-1 send "&fYou have sent a tpa request to &a%arg-1%." to player else: send "&a%arg-1% &fis &coffline." else: send "&fPlease define a &aplayer." command /tpaccept: aliases: /tpac trigger: if {tpalist::*} contains player: send "&aAccepting &ftpa request..." remove player from {tpalist::*} send "&fYou have accepted &a%player%&f's tpa request." to player wait 1 second teleport {tpalist.%player%::*} to player else: send "&fYou have &cno &ftpa requests." command /tpdeny: aliases: /tpd trigger: if {tpalist::*} contains player: send "&cDenying &ftpa request..." remove player from {tpalist::*} send "&fYou have &cdenied &a%player%&f's tpa request." to player else: send "&fYou have &cno &ftpa requests."
  3. This should work: set the off hand item to totem of undying
  4. timer.skThis is what is have: command /timer <text> [<text>]: usage: /timer <on/off/pause/unpause> [<seconds>] trigger: if arg 1 is "on": if arg 2 is not set: send "&cYou need to set the seconds first" to player send "<suggest command:/timer>use: /timer <on> <seconds>" else: set {timer} to true set {timertime} to arg 2 send "&aTimer succesfully set to &b%{timertime}%" to player if arg 1 is "off": set {timer} to false set {timertime} to 0 send "&aTimer succesfully &bstopped" to player if arg 1 is "unpause": set {timer} to true send "&aTimer succesfully &bunpaused" to player if arg 1 is "pause": set {timer} to false send "&aTimer succesfully &bpaused" to player every second: if {timer} is true: if {timer} isn't 0: subtract 1 from {timertime} send action bar "&b%{timertime}%" to all players if {timertime} is 0: set {timer} to false send action bar "&cTimer ended" to all players send "&cTimer ended" to all players
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