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Everything posted by M1nordragon

  1. Are you talking about me?
  2. Could you provide the link so we can see?
  3. I don't think popularity matters that much.
  4. If they aren't the issue I really don't know what is. Sorry for spending your time.
  5. You might have changed the default port which is 19132. Or you wrote the IP the same as your topic title "bedrock.minehut.con" which should be "bedrock.minehut.com" If that's not the issue could you send here what it says when you try to join it?
  6. Maybe one of these "anti-" datapacks is what's causing the issue, could you try removing all and see what happens.
  7. Hello! I'm kinda bored so I'll be taking plugin suggestions for Spigot/Bukkit. If you don't want me to make the plugin public please DM me and say that. You can post your public ideas on this thread. Note: I won't be suggesting these plugins to be added to Minehut nor it is certain that they will be added. If you want the plugin to be added to Minehut you'll have to suggest it yourself. Some of my plugins: Click Here
  8. Do you have any plugins on your server? If so, what are they?
  9. If you can, please mark this post and/or other posts in the future as "closed" or "solved" when they no longer serve a purpose to avoid confusion.
  10. M1nordragon

    auto unban skript

    I believe you can use wait 86400 seconds (86400 seconds = 24 hours) and then unban.
  11. You were unable to log in to your Minecraft account? Unable to join Minehut servers? Explain please.
  12. Hey @the_ebs, Maybe your server has a missing file or object. Try going into your server panel > Danger Zone > Repair Files. Tell me if it fixes it please.
  13. Is that an anime character?
  14. M1nordragon


    @pop4959What is that pfp?
  15. He didn't say that he only wants to add it to his server.
  16. M1nordragon


    Could you provide links?
  17. Hello herofireTY, Please use this topic only for plugin suggestions, you can suggest things about features in the Minehut Meta discord server.
  18. This seems like a great plugin. However, it seems like there is already a similar plugin called "PlayTimes" on the plugin panel so I'm really not sure if they're going to add this one.
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