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Posts posted by M1nordragon

  1. 3 hours ago, BanditEagle said:

    There's no need to bump suggestions. Once Pop will get online on the forums to check them, Pop goes through all of them so just be patient and wait.

    Yea just haven't seen him online for a while and I didn't want my post to be forgotten.

  2. Hello, I've suggested my plugin before but it got rejected because it was still in early development and "did not stand out" since there was a plugin with similar features to mine. Since then, I've improved and added a lot more customization features (still adding each day). I haven't seen another plugin with as much features and customization as mine has now so I'd like you to reconsider adding it.


    My other post: Click Here

    Spigot: Click Here

    GitHub: Click Here

    Polymart: Click Here


    Have a great day!

  3. 4 hours ago, pizzaschut said:

    Looks like something cool though u could make it via skript

    This is a pretty specific purpose for one plugin, and if you can make it with skript too, I don't see a reason for it to be added.

  4. 2 hours ago, the_ebs said:

    Unfortunately, as expected, this wasn't able to fix the issue. I appreciate the ideas though.

    Changing the world difficulty really isn't that hard. /Difficulty works just fine. The issue is, it's so easy that the server is changing it's own difficulty and ignores what the site settings say. What in this plugin prevents the server from changing its settings on its own?

    Maybe you could set up a skript so when the server starts it executes that command.

    I think this should work:

    on server startup:
    	execute console command "/difficulty [easy|hard|normal|peaceful]"


  5. 1 hour ago, TIJAY313 said:

    well Thank you I asked my friend (whos put plugins in my server) if the plugin you mentioned is in my server and he said it did so I tried but It didnt work 

    What other plugins do you have in your server? They might be interfering with the items.

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