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Everything posted by zKoro

  1. Locked, question has been answered
  2. zKoro


    Locked due to necroposting There's now a tutorial on the Minehut Channel, so if you're still struggling then give it a watch
  3. Locked due to necroposting
  4. Locked due to necroposting
  5. Locked due to necroposting. Make sure that your spawner is in the correct environment
  6. Locked, question has been answered. If you still need guidance then I would recommend watching this video
  7. zKoro

    Vote credits not given

    Have you linked your Minehut account to your Minecraft account?
  8. Log out of your account on the launcher and log back in again.
  9. zKoro

    Resetting Server.

    Locked, question has been answered
  10. zKoro

    Server Version?

    Locked, question has been answered
  11. zKoro


    Moved to Community Support It is not possible to add mods to your server, you can only add plugins and datapacks. Locked, question has been answered.
  12. Locked and Moved to Community Support, issue has been solved.
  13. Moved to Community Support You can use /pl to list your plugins, and your plugin versions should be visible in your logs (/dl logs)
  14. If PaperSpigot updates their servers to 1.16, then I'm assuming Minehut will, too. Feel free to join the discord, version updates are usually announced there
  15. Locked, question has been answered
  16. zKoro

    I got False Banned

    You would have to talk to the server owner, staff won't be able to do anything about this. Locked, topic has been addressed
  17. Locked due to necroposting
  18. Locked due to necroposting If you're still having problems then I'd recommend watching this video
  19. zKoro

    Transfering a server

    Moved to Community Support. We don't transfer servers, although you can give your friend full permissions by running the command /op (username) on your server. If you want your friend to have console, make sure that you FULLY trust him, and I recommend only giving it to him if your login details don't match anything personal of yours, like an email account or an account for another game.
  20. Locked due to necroposting. Feel free to make a new topic if you're still having problems with your world.
  21. zKoro

    Server joining bug

    Moved to Community Support
  22. Locked, question has been answered
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