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Everything posted by RatOnMars

  1. I dont need the skript anymore ty for all the help tho
  2. I've been messing around with the skript and i've got to here on inventory click: set {_slot} to event-slot set {_item} to item {_slot} of player's inventory if {_item} is "amethyst shard": cancel event send "You cannot place amethyst shards in this chest!"
  3. I got banned for no reason now i cant play this happened like a year ago my user is RatOnMars
  4. on break: if event-block is andesite: cancel event set event-block to air give player 1 andesite if player has 64 andesite: execute player command "/compress" command /compress: trigger: if player has 64 andesite: #change the andesite to whatever you want and the number remove 64 andesite from player # andesite and number has to be changed if you change the one above give player 1 andesite named "&8Super Andesite" # this can obviously be changed aswell
  5. Ok so basically im thinking you can create a /compress command so here is what that would look like: command /compress: trigger: if player has 64 andesite: #change the andesite to whatever you want and the number remove 64 andesite from player # andesite and number has to be changed if you change the one above give player 1 andesite named "&8Super Andesite" # this can obviously be changed aswell hope im not too late!
  6. every 5 seconds in "world1": if {mob1count} is less than 90: spawn zombie at {location1} apply potion of absorption of tier 30 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of strength of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of speed of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 1000000 seconds apply potion of glowing of tier 1 to last spawned zombie for 5 seconds add 1 to {mob1count} Idk if this works but it might
  7. command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item is red dye named "&cHeart" with lore "&7Right click to use": send "&cYou cannot dupe hearts!" to player else: give player player's held item Hope this works it worked for me
  8. on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pickaxe" of player): if index of event-slot is 11: if player has diamond sword: if diamond sword has sharpness 5: send "hello" to player please let me know if this works
  9. I've looked all over the internet but i still cannot find one
  10. What I need help with is making it so you cannot put a certain item in a chest (if you can make it so you cannot put amethyst shards in a chest that would be great!) (I am only using skript no other addons) If anyone can help it will be really appreciated
  11. Actually the :: is necessary for the variable for just that player
  12. on right click: player's held item's name contains "&b&lNick Access" #case sensitive execute player command "/lp user %player% permission set essentials.nick" command /givepaper: trigger: give 1 piece of paper named "&b&lNick Access" with lore "&dRight-Click" to player Can you add it to the bottom of it?
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