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  1. This punishment is for the server you were playing on to handle. The no griefing rule is different.
  2. MattyNJ im not pro rank shhh
  3. well 3rd one was good. and mine should not have been in top 3. but 2nd was bad.
  4. But at least when you bought plugins you could buy as many as you want and they stayed. Now you have to pay monthly/daily to keep them or else they go away.
  5. My Skript won't work but I put it in a parser and it says it should. I know one of the lines require SkQuery and I have it. EDIT: My friend tried it and it worked on his server command /sc: permission: staff.chat trigger: if {%player%.staffchaton} is 0: set {%player%.staffchaton} to 1 message "&3Staff Chat is now &aon&3." stop if {%player%.staffchaton} is 1: set {%player%.staffchaton} to 0 message "&3Staff Chat is now &coff&3." stop on chat: if {%player%.staffchaton} is 1: cancel event send "&c[&4&lSTAFF&c] %player%: &3%message%" all players where [player input has permission "staff.chat"]
  6. MattyNJ

    Player Ping

    Hi, I want to have a skript where if you say a players name in chat it will turn yellow. How would I see if something in the message was a player. Here is my skript on chat: if message contains "UNKNOWN": replace "UNKNOWN" with "&eUNKNOWN&7" in message The unknown is the part where I would but the thing for the player.
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