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Posts posted by Preludial

  1. On 1/23/2020 at 10:30 AM, skUniversal said:
    on death:
    	set {back} to player's location
    	send "&bYour location has been set for /back"
    command /back:
    	permission: skript.back
    	permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
    		teleport player to {back}


    I didn't test this yet.


    change {back} to {back::%uuid of player%}


  2. Hello,
    I would just like to say that Skript is much better than RG+, as it gives you a lot more customization, as you can choose the size, where the ranks are located on the GUI, choose the blocks used in the GUI, and a heap more. If you would like me to create a FREE Grant skript, feel free to message me, either on Discord, or the forums.


  3. on right click on (item):
      if {queue::%player%} is "true":
        send "&cYou're already in the queue!" to player
        if {queue::%player%} is "false":
          set {queue::%player%} to "true":
          send "&aYou have joined the queue." to player
    # other code

    If you need any other help, DM me on discord @skRecipe@2126

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