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  1. Can u make it so we can join someones is and create /is warp
  2. do u want to see what it looks like (btw im anox)
  3. I Just Started So Sorry It Doesnt Work If Not You need Skript Add-Ons Come To My Server: CloutHutMc.minehut.gg command /gui: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&e&oServer List" to player wait a tick loop {servers::*}: set {_a} to loop-index # the number of when it was added, no biggie set {_a} to {_a} - 1 # to start at 0 for the gui format gui slot {_a} of player with paper named "&7%loop-value%" with lore "&aClick to join!" to do nothing on inventory click: if event-inventory is not player's inventory: set {_server} to name of clicked slot replace all "&7" in {_server} with "" execute console command "mvtp %player% %{_server}%" on right click: if player's held item is paper named "&e&lServer Browser" with lore "&7(Right Click)": cancel event make player execute "gui" on join: remove "bitch" from {servers::*} command /c [<text>]: trigger: if {created::%uuid of player%} >= {maxservers::%uuid of player%}: send "&cYou reached your max server limit!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&eSet a server name." stop loop {servers::*}: if loop-value is arg-1: send "&cServer name already taken!" stop add 1 to {created::%uuid of player%} execute console command "mv create %arg-1% normal -g VoidGenerator:PLAINS" send "&bYour Server is being created, Please stand still." wait 5 seconds execute console command "mvtp %player% %arg-1%" send "&bEnjoy your Server!" to player send "&bUse &a/Panel &bto open your server panel" send "&c&l(!) NOTE (!) &cIf you change your IGN, your server will be LOST (!)" # add something here with skungee later add arg-1 to {servers::*} set {owner::%world%} to player every 1 tick: loop all players: if loop-player does not have permission "bypass": set {maxservers::%uuid of loop-player%} to 1 else: set {maxservers::%uuid of loop-player%} to 999999 #idk
  4. unomoney

    Plugin request

    Hi, i'd like to request for a plugin called "PremiumVanish" (SuperVanish but more advanced) but the thing is it's paid so if you add it for credits, what about the ones who already purchased from SpigotMC? I already bought it and even if i shown you a screenshot, you most likely wont believe me.
  5. Go to saicopvp and when you kill mobs u get heads then the amout off heads you have like 2304 chicken heads you can make a chicken mask with No Fall Damage
  6. SaicoPvP Is a Huge Factions Server That has this custom mask skript that i really want but cant make can someone make it for me please and send me a skript off it thank you
  7. My Server Is A Faction Server But I have multiple rn i am currently trying to work on a Headflipping Skript Like a server Called SaicoPvP My Server IP: CloutPvP.minehut.gg Discord: ItzAnox#7306
  8. I need a skripter to help with my server i have 2 devs but they arnt as fast as i need them to be (U Dont get Console To Server) Send me Skripts i need With PasteBin.com CONTACT ME: DISCORD- ItzAnox#7036 Server: FarmerMc.minehut.gg
  9. Can U Fix The keys because when i use them they stay in my inventory
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