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Everything posted by 3than

  1. 3than

    Anti X-Ray

    The current plugin that "works" OreReplacer has been completely deleted from Spigot and hasn't had an update in years causing some bugs. This one hasn't been updated either but still works completely fine on 1.16.1 and 1.16.2 https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/anti-x-ray It would be appreciated if this were added! Thank you!
  2. Found an updated spigot page for it. Original post updated. Also SuperVanish got updated again
  3. not_3than#8192 I want to be cool like everyone else
  4. i dont have a server outside of minehut to test the plugin
  5. bump (also update paper to latest pls)
  6. ChatManager v3.6.6 v3.6.7 - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/52245 SuperVanish v6.1.8 v6.2.0 - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish-be-invisible.1331/ Protocol Lib (DEV BUILD TO FIX SO MANY BUGS) - https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/ (Found on Spigot page from clicking on "latest dev build") CreativeItemControl (Updated 1.16 Version) - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/creativeitemcontrol-with-saved-toolbar-support-for-1-12-and-above.30778/
  7. It is spamming my console nonstop please update it NEEDS the update for 1.16 https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/ REPLY IF AGREE
  8. As it's one of the first plugins you see on the plugin list, a lot of people are going to see it and use it. So please update it so that it works on 1.16. Thank you https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/action-bar-health.2661/ Current version: 3.4.1 Latest version: 3.4.8
  9. 3than

    Add BanItem

    Or CreativeItemControl, it works just as well so that we can have creative servers https://www.mc-market.org/resources/16159/
  10. Download WorldEdit and WorldGuard and run /rg flag __global__ creeper-explosion deny Simple fix using plugins Minehut already has
  11. 3than

    Update ProtocolLib

    PLEASE UPDATE my players cant play on 1.8 because players are invisible without this!
  12. Please update this plugin as well: https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/
  13. 3than

    Update Playtimes

    Please update the plugin playtimes to support 1.16. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playtime-check-players-playtime-server-uptime.58858/
  14. just look up one and then customize it, it's really easy
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