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Everything posted by HeyItsmeblury

  1. import: org.bukkit.Bukkit java.util.Arrays options: plugin-version: 0.1.0b prefix: &6&lThe Bridge &7 chat-format: %{_team}% &7%player's displayname% &8» &7%message% item.leave.name: &cLeave item.leave.item: magma cream #messages join: &7%player's displayname% &ehas joined to the game. left: &7%{_p}'s displayname% &ehas left the game. starting: &eStarting in &6%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds}% &eseconds in-game: &cYou are already in game. not-in-game: &cYou are not in game. kill: &c%{_p}% &ewas killed by &c%{_killer}% # # \\ CODE // # local effect [leaf] send title %string% with subtitle %string% to %players% with %number% fadein and %number% fadeout for %number%: trigger: loop exprs-3: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.sendTitle(loop-value-1, expr-1, expr-4, expr-5 and expr-6) {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.sendSubtitle(loop-value-1 and expr-2) local effect [leaf] send action bar %string% to %players%: trigger: loop exprs-2: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.sendActionbar(loop-value-1 and expr-1) local effect create scoreboard for %player%: trigger: if {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.hasScoreboard(expr-1) is true: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.removeScoreboard(expr-1) {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.giveScoreboard(expr-1) local effect delete scoreboard of %player%: trigger: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.removeScoreboard(expr-1) local effect set scoreboard title of %player% to %string%: trigger: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.setScoreboardTitle(expr-1 and expr-2) local effect set scoreboard line %number% of %player% to %string%: trigger: {bridge::cache::TitleManager}.setScoreboardValue(expr-2, expr-1 and expr-3) #From mirror-utils expression %item% with lore %text%: return type: item get: set {_i} to expr-1.clone() set {_meta} to {_i}.getItemMeta() {_meta}.setLore(Arrays.asList(split expr-2 at "||")) {_i}.setItemMeta({_meta}) return {_i} command bridge [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: executable by: players trigger: if arg-1 is "help" or "createarena" or "setspawn" or "join" or "leave" or "setlobby" or "deleteArena" or "list" or "autojoin" or "savearena" or "setPortalPos1" or "setPortalPos2" or "autojoin" or "stats" or "SetMaxBuildHeight": if arg 1 is "help": if player have permission "bridge.player": send "&7&l----------------&8[ {@prefix} &8]&7&l----------------" send "&7/bridge list" send "&7/bridge join &8(&7arena_name&8)" send "&7/bridge autojoin" send "&7/bridge leave" if player have permission "bridge.admin": send "&7/bridge resetstats &8(&7player_name&8)" send "&7/bridge setlobby" send "&7/bridge createArena &8(&7arena_name&8) " send "&7/bridge savearena &8(&7arena_name&8) " send "&7/bridge deleteArena &8(&7arena_name&8) " send "&7/bridge setspawn &8(&7arena_name&8) &cred&7/&3blue&7/&alobby" send "&7/bridge setPortalPos1 &8(&7arena_name&8) &cred&7/&3blue&7" send "&7/bridge setPortalPos2 &8(&7arena_name&8) &cred&7/&3blue&7" send "&7/bridge SetMaxBuildHeight &8(&7arena_name&8), optional" send "&7&l---------------------------------------------" stop if arg 1 is "join": if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is not set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} is "ready": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::status} is "WAITING": if size of {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::ninjas::*} < 2: bridge_clear_player(player) bridge_tag(player, "clear") set {bridge::player::%player%::state} to "IN-GAME" set {bridge::player::%player%::arena} to arg-2 set {bridge::player::%player%::kills} to 0 set slot 8 of player to {@item.leave.item} named "{@item.leave.name}" add player to {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::ninjas::*} if size of {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::ninjas::*} = 2: bridge_start_countdown(arg-2) send "{@join}" to {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::ninjas::*} teleport player to {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::spawn::lobby} bridge_waiting_scoreboard(player) else: send "{@prefix} &7This arena is full" stop else: send "{@prefix} &7This game is running" stop else: send "{@prefix} &7This arena not exists" stop else: send "{@in-game}" stop if arg 1 is "list": if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is not set: open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&8&l» &7THE BRIDGE - ARENAS" to player set {_slot} to 10 wait 2 ticks make a gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 26, 35, 44, 18, 27, 36, 9, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 8 of player with green glass named "&8 " to do nothing loop {bridge::arenas::*}: make a gui slot {_slot} of player with green clay named "&7" with lore "&8&l» &7NAME: &c&l%loop-value%||||&8&l» &7PLAYING: &3%size of {bridge::arena::%loop-value%::ninjas::*}%||||&8&l» &7STATE: &a%{bridge::arena::%loop-value%::status}%" to run player command "bridge join %loop-value%" add 1 to {_slot} if {_slot} is 17 or 26 or 35: add 2 to {_slot} if arg 1 is "leave": if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": bridge_leave(player) else: send "{@not-in-game}" if arg 1 is "autojoin": if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is not set: loop {bridge::arenas::*}: if {bridge::arena::%loop-value%::status} is "WAITING": make player execute command "bridge join %loop-value%" stop if arg-1 is "stats": send "&8&l●&7&l&m----------------------&8&l●" send "" send "&3&l» &7&lWINS &c%{bridge::stats::wins::%uuid of player%}%" send "&3&l» &7&lKILLS &c%{bridge::stats::kills::%uuid of player%}%" send "&3&l» &7&lGOALS &c%{bridge::stats::goals::%uuid of player%}%" send "&3&l» &7&lDEATHS &c%{bridge::stats::deaths::%uuid of player%}%" send "" send "&8&l●&7&l&m----------------------&8&l●" if arg 1 is "createarena": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if arg-2 is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} to "setup" send "{@prefix} &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been created!" else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena already exists!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpecify Arena!" if arg 1 is "setspawn": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} = "setup": if arg-3 is "RED" or "BLUE" or "lobby": set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::spawn::%arg-3%} to location of player send "{@prefix} &aSpawn for &e%arg-3% &aon Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpecify team." else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" if arg 1 is "setPortalPos1": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} = "setup": if arg-3 is "RED" or "BLUE": set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::%arg-3%::POS-1} to location of player send "{@prefix} &aPos&8(&c1&8) &c%arg-3% &aon Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpecify team." else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" if arg 1 is "SetMaxBuildHeight": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} = "setup": set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::Y-COORDS} to y-coords of player send "{@prefix} &aMax Build Height For Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" if arg 1 is "setPortalPos2": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} = "setup": if arg-3 is "RED" or "BLUE": set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::%arg-3%::POS-2} to location of player send "{@prefix} &aPos&8(&c2&8) &c%arg-3% &aon Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpecify team." else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" if arg 1 is "setlobby": if player has permission "bridge.admin": set {bridge::lobby} to location of player send "{@prefix} &aLobby set." if arg 1 is "resetstats": if player has permission "bridge.admin": set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player bridge_reset_stats({_p}) send "{@prefix} &cReseted Stats for &a%{_p}%" if arg 1 is "savearena": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} = "setup": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::spawn::red} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::spawn::blue} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::spawn::lobby} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::RED::POS-2} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::RED::POS-1} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::BLUE::POS-2} is set: if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::portal::BLUE::POS-1} is set: delete {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} add arg-2 to {bridge::arenas::*} set {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} to "ready" send "{@prefix} &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been saved." bridge_resetarena(arg-2) else: send "{@prefix} &aPortal Pos1 For team &1blue is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aPortal Pos2 For team &1blue is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aPortal Pos1 For team &cred is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aPortal Pos2 For team &cred is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aLobby is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpawn &3blue &a is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aSpawn &cred &a is not set!" else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" if arg 1 is "deletearena": if player has permission "bridge.admin": if {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::state} is set: delete {bridge::arena::%arg-2%::*} remove arg-2 from {bridge::arenas::*} send "{@prefix} &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been deleted." else: send "{@prefix} &aThis arena not exists" else: make player execute command "bridge help" on chat: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": cancel event if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::player::%player%::team} = "red": replace all "{team}" in {_msg} with "&c&lRED" set {_team} to "&c&lRED" if {bridge::player::%player%::team} = "blue": replace all "{team}" in {_msg} with "&1&lBLUE" set {_team} to "&1&lBLUE" else: set {_team} to "" send "{@chat-format}" to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::ninjas::*} on hunger bar change: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": set player's hunger to 20 on damage of player: if {bridge::player::%victim%::state} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%victim%::arena}%::status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING": cancel event damage cause is void teleport victim to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%victim%::arena}%::spawn::lobby} if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::% victim%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": if damage >= health of victim: cancel event metadata value "BRIDGE-DEATH" of victim is not set: set metadata value "BRIDGE-DEATH" of victim to "SET" bridge_death(victim) if attacker is player: "%attacker%" != "%victim%" set metadata value "LAST-HIT" of victim to attacker if damage cause is fall: cancel event if damage cause is void: cancel event metadata value "BRIDGE-DEATH" of victim is not set: set metadata value "BRIDGE-DEATH" of victim to "SET" bridge_death(victim) function bridge_death(p: player): set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} add 1 to {bridge::stats::deaths::%{_uuid}%} metadata value "LAST-HIT" of {_p} is not set: set {_killer} to "void" else: set {_killer} to metadata value "LAST-HIT" of {_p} parsed as player set {_uuid} to uuid of {_killer} add 1 to {bridge::stats::kills::%{_uuid}%} add 1 to {bridge::player::%{_killer}%::kills} send "{@kill}" to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::ninjas::*} delete metadata value "PORTAL" of {_p} teleport {_p} to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::spawn::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%} bridge_equip({_p}) wait 3 seconds delete metadata value "BRIDGE-DEATH" of {_p} on place: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::Y-COORDS} is set: if y-coords of location of event-block < {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::Y-COORDS}: if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} to location of event-block else: cancel event else: if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} to location of event-block else: cancel event on load: send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console send " " to console send "{@prefix} &aLoading &ev.{@plugin-version}&a..." to console wait a tick send "{@prefix} &a&lPlugin loaded!" to console send " " to console send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console delete {bridge::player::*} if {bridge.arenas::*} is set: send "&aOld version detected, converting arenas..." to console loop {bridge.arenas::*}: set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::spawn::red} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.spawn.red} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::spawn::blue} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.spawn.blue} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::spawn::lobby} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.spawn.lobby} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::portal::RED::POS-1} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.portal.RED.pos1} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::portal::RED::POS-2} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.portal.RED.pos2} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::portal::BLUE::POS-1} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.portal.BLUE.pos1} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::portal::BLUE::POS-2} to {bridge.arena.%loop-value-1%.portal.BLUE.pos2} set {bridge::arena::%loop-value-1%::state} to "ready" add loop-value-1 to {bridge::arenas::*} send "&aArena &e%loop-value-1% &aconverted." to console delete {bridge.arenas::*} loop {bridge::arenas::*}: delete {bridge::arena::%loop-value%::ninjas::*} bridge_resetarena(loop-value) set {bridge::cache::TitleManager} to Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("TitleManager") on unload: send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console send " " to console send "{@prefix} &aDisabling &ev.{@plugin-version}&a..." to console send "{@prefix} &ev.{@plugin-version} &adisabled!" to console send " " to console send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console stop on portal: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": metadata value "PORTAL" of player is not set set metadata value "PORTAL" of player to "true" if {bridge::player::%player%::team} is "RED": if location of player is within {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::portal::BLUE::POS-1} to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::portal::BLUE::POS-2}: bridge_goal(player, {bridge::player::%player%::arena}) if {bridge::player::%player%::team} is "BLUE": if location of player is within {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::portal::RED::POS-1} to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::portal::RED::POS-2}: bridge_goal(player, {bridge::player::%player%::arena}) wait 5 seconds delete metadata value "PORTAL" of player on join: if {bridge::stats::goals::%player%} is not set: bridge_reset_stats(player) on consume of golden apple: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": heal player on inventory click: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": if name of event-item is {@item.leave.item} named "{@item.leave.name}": cancel event if event-item is any chestplate or any helmet or any boots or any leggings: cancel event on drop: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": cancel event on right click: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": if event-item is {@item.leave.item} named "{@item.leave.name}": cancel event bridge_leave(player) on quit: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": bridge_leave(player) on break: if {bridge::player::%player%::state} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} is set: delete {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::KILLMEPLS::%location of event-block%} stop else: if event-block is red clay or blue clay or white clay: if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::PLACEBLOCKS::%location of event-block%} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::OMAE-MO-SHINDEIRU::%location of event-block%} to location of event-block set {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%player%::arena}%::NANI?!::%location of event-block%} to "%event-block%" parsed as item else: cancel event function bridge_reset_stats(p: player): set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} loop "kills", "deaths", "wins" and "goals": set {bridge::stats::%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} to 0 function bridge_cage_timer(arena: text): set {_count.%{_arena}%} to 3 loop 4 times: if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": {_count.%{_arena}%} = 3 or 2 or 1: send title "&eCages opens in &a&l%{_count.%{_arena}%}% &eseconds" with subtitle "" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} with 10 fadein and 10 fadeout for 1 {_count.%{_arena}%} = 0: bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue}, "AIR") bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red}, "AIR") send title "&3&lFIGHT!" with subtitle "" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} with 20 fadein and 20 fadeout for 1 remove 1 from {_count.%{_arena}%} wait a second function bridge_tag(p: player, do: text): if {_do} is "setteam": if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "RED": set {_team} to "&c&lRED" if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "BLUE": set {_team} to "&1&lBLUE" make console execute command "nte player %{_p}% prefix %{_team}% &7" if {_do} is "clear": make console execute command "nte player %{_p}% clear" function bridge_setcage(loc: location, team: text): if {_team} is "RED": set {_b} to red glass block if {_team} is "BLUE": set {_b} to blue glass block if {_team} is "AIR": set {_b} to air loop blocks within block at block 2 above west 3 east 3 south {_loc} to block at block 1 under east 3 west 3 north {_loc}: set loop-block to {_b} loop blocks within block at block 2 above west 2 east 2 south {_loc} to block at block 0 under east 2 west 2 north {_loc}: set loop-block to air function bridge_equip(p: player): bridge_clear_player({_p}) wait 0.5 second equip {_p} with all leather armor set slot 0 of {_p} to iron sword set slot 1 of {_p} to bow set slot 2 of {_p} to diamond pickaxe of efficiency 2 set slot 5 of {_p} to 8 golden apple set slot 8 of {_p} to arrow if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "RED": set {_p}'s helmet to air dye {_p}'s chestplate red dye {_p}'s boots red dye {_p}'s leggings red set slot 3 of {_p} to 64 red clay set slot 4 of {_p} to 64 red clay if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "BLUE": set {_p}'s helmet to air dye {_p}'s chestplate blue dye {_p}'s boots blue dye {_p}'s leggings blue set slot 3 of {_p} to 64 blue clay set slot 4 of {_p} to 64 blue clay on shoot: if {bridge::player::%shooter%::state} is "IN-GAME": if projectile is arrow: set metadata value "GAME" of projectile to "BRIDGE" loop 3 times: set shooter's level to loop-number wait a second loop-number = 3: if {bridge::player::%shooter%::state} is "IN-GAME": give 1 arrow to shooter on projectile hit: if metadata value "GAME" of projectile is "BRIDGE": delete projectile function bridge_leave(p: player): send "{@left}" to {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::ninjas::*} remove {_p} from {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::ninjas::*} if {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "BLUE": bridge_winner({bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::red}, {bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}) if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "RED": bridge_winner({bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::blue}, {bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}) delete scoreboard of {_p} loop "arena", "team" and "state": delete {bridge::player::%{_p}%::%loop-value%} bridge_clear_player({_p}) bridge_tag({_p}, "clear") teleport {_p} to {bridge::lobby} function bridge_put_in_team(p: player, arena: text): if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red} to {_p} set {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} to "RED" stop if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue} is not set: set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue} to {_p} set {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} to "BLUE" function bridge_start_countdown(arena: text): set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::status} to "STARTING" while {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} > 0: if size of {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} = 2: wait a second remove 1 from {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 10: send "{@starting}" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} = 1: set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::status} to "IN-GAME" loop {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*}: bridge_put_in_team(loop-value, {_arena}) delete scoreboard of loop-value bridge_game_scoreboard(loop-value) set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::red} to 0 set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::blue} to 0 bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue}, "BLUE") bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red}, "RED") teleport {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red} to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red} teleport {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue} to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue} bridge_equip({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red}) bridge_equip({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue}) bridge_tag({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red}, "setteam") bridge_tag({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue}, "setteam") bridge_cage_timer({_arena}) stop else: set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::status} to "WAITING" set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} to 10 stop function bridge_goal(p: player, arena: text): set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} add 1 to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%} add 1 to {bridge::stats::goals::%{_uuid}%} if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "RED": set {_team} to "&3&lRED" if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "BLUE": set {_team} to "&1&lBLUE" send "&a&l■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " &e%{_p}% &7(&a%{_p}'s health% &c&l❤&7) &escored! &7(&6%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%}%&6th goal&7)" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " &c&l%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::red}% &7- &1&l%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::blue}%" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send "&a&l■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} teleport {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red} to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red} teleport {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue} to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue} if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%} is not 5: bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue}, "BLUE") bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red}, "RED") bridge_cage_timer({_arena}) bridge_equip({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue}) bridge_equip({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red}) if {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%} is 5: bridge_winner({_p}, {_arena}) function bridge_winner(p: player, arena: text): set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p} if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "RED": set {_team} to "&c&lRED" if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::team} is "BLUE": set {_team} to "&1&lBLUE" send "&a&l■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " &f&lTHE BRIDGE &a&l1v1" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " %{_team}% &7&lWINS" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " &c&l%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::red}% &7- &1&l%{bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::blue}%" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send " " to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} send "&a&l■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■" to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} add 1 to {bridge::stats::wins::%{_uuid}%} loop 10 times: if {bridge::player::%{_p}%::state} is "IN-GAME": if minecraft version contains "1.8" or "1.9" or "1.10" or "1.11" or "1.12": launch random element out of "CREEPER" and "STAR" and "BALL" firework at location of {bridge::player::%{_p}%::state} timed 1 coloured "GREEN" wait 10 ticks bridge_resetarena({_arena}) function bridge_resetarena(arena: text): loop {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*}: delete {bridge::player::%loop-value%::state} delete {bridge::player::%loop-value%::arena} bridge_clear_player(loop-value-1) bridge_tag(loop-value-1, "clear") delete scoreboard of loop-value-1 teleport loop-value-1 to {bridge::lobby} loop {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::KILLMEPLS::*}: set block at loop-value to air wait a tick loop {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::OMAE-MO-SHINDEIRU::*}: set block at location of {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::OMAE-MO-SHINDEIRU::%loop-index%} to {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::NANI?!::%loop-index%} wait a tick delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::OMAE-MO-SHINDEIRU::*} delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::NANI?!::*} delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::KILLMEPLS::*} delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::ninjas::*} delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::red} delete {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::blue} loop all entities in radius 500 around {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue}: clear loop-entity bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::blue}, "AIR") bridge_setcage({bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::spawn::red}, "AIR") set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::red} to 0 set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::goals::blue} to 0 set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::seconds} to 10 set {bridge::arena::%{_arena}%::status} to "WAITING" function bridge_clear_player(p: player): heal {_p} extinguish {_p} set {_p}'s food to 20 clear {_p}'s level clear {_p}'s inventory set {_p}'s gamemode to survival set {_p}'s flight mode to false delete metadata value "PORTAL" of {_p} delete metadata value "LAST-HIT" of {_p} loop ...{_p}.getActivePotionEffects(): {_p}.removePotionEffect(loop-value-1.getType()) function bridge_setSlot(p: player, slot: number, t: text): add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e", "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9" and "&f" to {_d::*} if {_slot} is between 1 and 15: set scoreboard line {_slot} of {_p} to "%{_d::%{_slot}%}%%{_t}%" function bridge_waiting_scoreboard(p: player): create scoreboard for {_p} set scoreboard title of {_p} to "&e&lTHE BRIDGE" while {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING": bridge_setSlot({_p}, 1, "&7%now%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 2, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 3, "&fPlayers: &a%size of {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::ninjas::*}%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 4, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 5, "&fStarting in &a%{bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::seconds}%s") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 6, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 7, "&fMode: &e1v1") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 8, "&fMap: &a%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 9, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 10, "&e&lMC.SERVER.ORG") wait 0.5 second function bridge_game_scoreboard(p: player): create scoreboard for {_p} set scoreboard title of {_p} to "&e&lTHE BRIDGE" while {bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::status} is "IN-GAME": bridge_setSlot({_p}, 1, "&7%now%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 2, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 3, "&8✦ &1Blue Team: &e%{bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::goals::blue}%&7/5") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 4, "&8✦ &cRed Team: &e%{bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::goals::red}%&7/5") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 5, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 6, "&fKills: &a%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::kills}%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 7, "&fGoals: &a%{bridge::arena::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%::goals::%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::team}%}%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 8, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 9, "&fMode: &e1v1") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 10, "&fMap: &a%{bridge::player::%{_p}%::arena}%") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 11, "") bridge_setSlot({_p}, 12, "&e&lMC.SERVER.ORG") wait a second
  2. command /title [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open virtual chest with size 3 named "&eTitles" to player format gui slot 10 of player with name tag named "&eFree Suffix's" to run: player command "/title free" format gui slot 12 of player with name tag named "&e/Buy Suffix's" to run: player command "/title buy" format gui slot 14 of player with name tag named "&eFestive Suffix's" to run: player command "/title festive" format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&cRemove Suffix %player's suffix%" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix """" " if arg-1 is "free": open virtual chest with size 6 named "&eFree Suffix's" to player format gui slot 0 of player with name tag named "&8[&eS1&8] &cSuffix" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&eS1&8]" format gui slot 1 of player with name tag named "&8[&dxD&8] &cSuffix" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&dxD&8]" format gui slot 2 of player with name tag named "&8[&e&nNo&6&nSkill&8] &cSuffix" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&e&nNo&6&nSkill&8]" format gui slot 50 of player with book named "&cRemove Suffix %player's suffix%" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix """" " format gui slot 48 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to close: player command "title" if arg-1 is "buy": open virtual chest with size 6 named "&e/Buy Suffix's" to player format gui slot 0 of player with name tag named "&8[&a$$$&8] &cSuffix" to close: player command "suffix$$$" format gui slot 1 of player with name tag named "&8[&7&nFatal&8] &cSuffix" to close: player command "suffixfatal" format gui slot 50 of player with book named "&cRemove Suffix %player's suffix%" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix """" " format gui slot 48 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to close: player command "title" if arg-1 is "festive": open virtual chest with size 6 named "&eFestive" to player format gui slot 0 of player with name tag named "&8[&aX&cM&aA&cS&8]" to close: player command "suffixxmas" format gui slot 50 of player with book named "&cRemove Suffix %player's suffix%" to close: console command "pex user %player% suffix """" " format gui slot 48 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to close: player command "title" command /suffix$$$: permission: suffix.$$$ permission message: &cYou Haven't Purchased This Suffix From /Buy trigger: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&a$$$&8]" command /suffixfatal: permission: suffix.fatal permission message: &cYou Haven't Purchased This Suffix From /Buy trigger: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&7&nFatal&8]" command /suffixxmas: permission: suffix.xmas permission message: &cYou Haven't Purchased This Suffix From /Buy trigger: console command "pex user %player% suffix &8[&aX&cM&aA&cS&8]"
  3. Star can u send me a fixed skript bc idk how to fix the indentation errors bc im new to skript and i have TuSKe
  4. Error: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 16 spaces (title.sk, line 7: format slot 1 of player with nametag named "&e[Clout] &fTitle &7(Right-Click)" to close') invalid line - all code has to be put into trigger (title.sk line 8: then run [execute console command "sudo %player% suffixcc"]') Skript: command /title: #No perms needed trigger: open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lTitles" to player format slot 31 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lUnEquip Your Title" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% suffixoff"] format slot 0 of player with nametag named "&b[LagHut] &fTitle &7(Right-Click)" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% suffixmm"] format slot 1 of player with nametag named "&e[Clout] &fTitle &7(Right-Click)" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% sufixcc"] command /suffixcc: trigger: send "&aEnabled Title: &e[Clout]" execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &e[Clout] " execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&e[Clout] '" command /suffixmm: trigger: send "&aEnabled Title: &b[LagHut]" execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &b[LagHut] " execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&b[LagHut] '" command /suffixl: trigger: send "&aEnabled Title: &b[-_-]" execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &b[-_-] " execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&b[-_-] '" command /suffixoff: trigger: send "&aDisabled Title" execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &9" execute console command "nte player %player% suffix &9"
  5. So My Skript says there is no erorrs but when i do /levelup everything works then i click on the rank i want to buy but it doesnt give it to u also when i reload it says no errors but it does say List is missing 'and' or 'or', defaulting to 'and': 0,4,8,22,26 (rankingup.sk, line 25: format gui slot 0,4,8,22,26 of player with yellow stained pane named "" to do nothing') this is the skript options: prefix: &6&lCloutFarms&7 | function shop(player: player, group: string, cost: number): if {_player}'s balance < {_cost}: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to {_player} else: remove {_cost} from {_player}'s balance console command "pex user {_player} group set {_group}" command /levelup: aliases: ru trigger: open virtual chest with size 3 to player set {_a} to 0 loop 45 times: format gui slot {_a} of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing add 1 to {_a} format gui slot 0,4,8,22,26 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to do nothing format gui slot 18 of player with yellow stained glass pane named "&cBack" to close: player command "/shop" format gui slot 10 of player with paper named "&aSprout&f 10,000" with lore "&72 Plots" to close: if player's balance < 10000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 10000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set sprout" # format gui slot 11 of player with paper named "&2Seedling &f50,000" with lore "&73 Plots" to close: if player's balance < 50000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 50000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set seedling" # format gui slot 12 of player with paper named "&3Sapling&f 100,000" with lore "&74 Plots" to close: if player's balance < 100000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 100000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set sapling" # format gui slot 13 of player with paper named "&9Tree&f 1,000,000" with lore "&7/Fly" to close: if player's balance < 1000000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 1000000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set tree" # format gui slot 14 of player with paper named "&6King&f 10,500,000" with lore "&7/God" to close: if player's balance < 10500000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 10500000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set king" # format gui slot 15 of player with paper named "&5Ender&f 50,000,000" with lore "&7/Tp" to close: if player's balance < 50000000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 50000000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set ender" # format gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&DDragon&f 1,000,000,000" with lore "&7/Fix" to close: if player's balance < 1000000000: send "{@prefix} You haven't got enough money!" to player else: remove 1000000000 from player's balance console command "pex user %player% group set dragon" # command /rank: trigger: send "&7-------| {@prefix}-------" send "&aSprout &f$10,000" send "&2Seedling &f$50,000" send "&3Sapling &f$100,000" send "&9Tree &f$1,000,000" send "&6King &f$10,500,000" send "&5Ender &f$50,000,000" send "&dDragon &f$1,000,000,000" send "&7-------| {@prefix}-------" on command "/rankup": send "&cThis Command Has Been Moved To &c&l/Levelup"
  6. (Skript Requires Plugin GadgetsMenu) command /mail: #No perms needed trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lMail Man" to player format slot 11 of player with minecart with chest named "&cDaily Rewards" with lore "&dEvery Day" to close then run [execute console command "gmysterybox give %Player% 2 1"] # Don't have MultiVerse so can't show you guys! format slot 13 of player with minecart with chest named "&bWeekly Rewards" with lore "&dEvery Week" to close then run [execute console command "gmysterybox give %player% 3 2"] format slot 15 of player with minecart with chest named "&aVIP Rewards" with lore "&dEvery 3 Days" to close then run [execute console command "gmysterybox give %Player% 4 3"] # Skript Made By ItzAnox (Do Not Edit)
  7. So My Skript has 1 error but i cant fix it someone try Error: identation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 16 spaces (mail.sk, line 28: format slot 16 of player with player head named "&eToggle Scoreboard &aOn" with lore "&dToggle Scoreboard" to close then run [execute console command "kb off %player%"] this is the skript command /pp: #No perms needed trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lSettings" to player format slot 10 of player with player head named "&ePlot Settings" with lore "&dEdit The Plot Chat" to close then run [send "&c/Plot &aOn/&cOff"] # Don't have MultiVerse so can't show you guys! format slot 12 of player with player head named "&eGo To Plot World" with lore "&dEvery Week" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% warp plots"] format slot 14 of player with player head named "&eToggle Scoreboard &cOff" with lore "&dToggle Scoreboard" to close then run [execute console command "kb off %player%"] format slot 16 of player with player head named "&eToggle Scoreboard &aOn" with lore "&dToggle Scoreboard" to close then run [execute console command "kb on %player%"]
  8. My Farming Skript only has 1 error this is the skript on rightclick on wheat: if player is holding a hoe: cancel event message "{@tag} &aYou succesfully farmed wheat!" set block to air drop wheat set durability of player's tool to (durability of player's tool + 1) add 1 to {xp.%player%} set event-block to air wait 10 seconds set event-block to crops This Is The Error Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (farming.sk, line 1: on rightclick on wheat:') cant understand this event: 'if player is holding a hoe' (farming.sk, line 2: if player is holding a hoe:') Some one try fix and send me the whole fixed skript pls and thank you
  9. Can someone make me a build battle plugin pls after u make it send me it
  10. I Cant Find The Perms For The plugin can u tell me them
  11. HeyItsmeblury


    How Do People Donate To My Server Without BuyCraft and paypal so i can make it premium bc my server is really laggy and it always gets full so it needs a bigger player slot so if any1 can help me pls tell me
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