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  1. i checked and there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with /setstats - you have to select Strength Speed Health or MaxHealth and then a number to use it.
  2. You hit things get more things get health by being in things etc. you can see the requirement things in the skript. and there are some settings and yeah added prestige and multiplier and the variable at the top for prestigeamounts do not matter at all. simulatorgame.sk
  3. Probably will not update this, this is also on the spigotmc resources. It is a remake of essentials, trying to make as many commands close to it as possible. This probably wont stop you from using normal essentials, because it is way better tbh. ===============================================Commands:/ban/tempban/unban/give/i/listjails/deletejail/jail/setjail/freeze/tell/loopkill/afk/sethome/home/sbroadcast/broadcast/tp/tphere/tpa/tpaccept/kill/freeze/mute/unmute/tempmute/mutechat/trash/pumpkin/vanish/workbench===============================================Added in version 1.3:/trash/pumpkin/vanish/workbench===============================================Permissions:volt.killvolt.freezevolt.tpavolt.tpherevolt.tpvolt.broadcastvolt.sbroadcastvolt.homevolt.sethomevolt.afkvolt.setjailvolt.jailvolt.listjailsvolt.deletejailvolt.itemvolt.banvolt.unbanvolt.tempbanvolt.loopkillvolt.warpvolt.deletewarpvolt.listwarpsvolt.setwarpvolt.mutevolt.tempmutevolt.unmutevolt.mutechatvolt.mutechat.bypassvolt.pumpkinvolt.trashvolt.workbenchvolt.vanish===============================================If you find any issues, tell me.SkQuery is required for some commands to work.. Skripted while having the plugins TuSKe and SkQuery enabled Volt.sk
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