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Everything posted by ForUToo

  1. Why would I need a doc file if I already have the skript to see what damage cause it is? This is basically just a troubleshooting skript.
  2. SimpleCommands (S-Commands) ( NEEDS SkQuery & Skellet Skript Addon ) Features: Code: SimpleCommands.sk
  3. on flight toggle: player's gamemode is not creative: cancel event wait a tick set player's flight state to false push player upwards at speed 1 push player forwards at speed 1 play sound "entity.shulker.shoot" with volume 1.0 to player set {Parkour.fall.%player%} to true wait 3 seconds set {Parkour.fall.%player%} to false on jump: set player's flight state to true on damage of player: if damage cause is fall: if {Parkour.fall.%victim%} is true: cancel event Title explains all, tell me if theres any bugs by sending a comment
  4. on damage: if victim is player: broadcast "&c%victim% &7got damaged by &4%damage cause%" Title explains all
  5. Wrong section https://forums.minehut.com/forum/18-discussion/
  6. It's purpose is to hide certain plugins, not all of them + it's supposed to be a fake one so if any pesky people want to see plugins you can hide some of them.
  7. Code: Took me a while lol
  8. options: t: &r,&a command /pl: aliases: pluginlist, pluginslist, bukkit:pl, bukkit:plugins trigger: message "&fPlugins (5): &apluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere&f." # put the plugins in pluginhere for the your plugins you want to show command /plugins: trigger: message "&fPlugins (5): &apluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere{@t} pluginhere&f." # put the plugins in pluginhere for the your plugins you want to show Code Updated 04/01/22
  9. Code: Pretty self explanatory.
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