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  1. how do i even use the skript, it justs comes up with errors when i /sk reload it
  2. is it possible for me to script it so players cant dupe a shulker box if there is a certain item in there my current script is this, command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item is air: send "no duping air" if player's held item is red dye: send "nice try buddy-o" stop if player's held item is dragon egg: send "nice try buddy-o" stop if player's held item is Chorus Flower: send "you may not dupe this item" stop if player's held item is Music Disc: send "you may not dupe this item" stop if player's held item is Totem of undying: send "you may not dupe this item" stop set {_item} to player's tool give {_item} to player send "&6&lDuplicated &e&l%player's tool%&6&l!" to player
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