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wxterfall last won the day on July 3 2023

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About wxterfall

  • Birthday 08/03/2005

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  1. I'm thinking about your last point and should hopefully* have a response to it within the next day or so.
  2. Hey, I've made a mock and untested version for chests but you should hopefully be able to stop other containers by changing the player's current inventory value. on inventory click: if inventory type of player's current inventory is "CHEST": if item is dragon egg: cancel event wait 1 tick close player's inventory I will try to remember to test it later, please reply if it doesn't work.
  3. Expanding from ApexSplat, you should attempt to try find fixes on doc pages before asking people as they are very useful and will be able to help with nearly all* basic logic and syntax errors you receive. Doc: https://skripthub.net/docs/ Just in-case you struggle here should be the fixed code (untested): on right click with water bottle: if player is on fire: extinguish the player
  4. The skript above will not work as you need to either use the victim or attacker as it's a on death event, changing %player% to %victim% will fix this. Code: on death: victim is player: execute console command "/kit [Replace this with the Kit Name] %victim%"
  5. I would suggest posting the raw text for the code and telling us the issue with the code.
  6. Here's a simple skript for this: command /ip: trigger: send "&3&lSERVER! &7The server IP is &3server.minehut.gg&7!" You can change the colour coding and server ip and name to your choosing.
  7. To edit you just click the EDIT button below your text.
  8. On the reddit your best bet would be to use the "Question" tag/flair. Also no problem for the help!
  9. I don't know what is causing your issue with EssentialsX, your best bet is to ask a different forum like admincraft (link: https://www.reddit.com/r/admincraft/), or see if you can find your issue on the GitHub of EssentialsX and if not add it as a issue (link: https://github.com/EssentialsX/Essentials/issues). For your issue with Skript try removing all your skript addons and seeing if you can run commands then, if you can then add one addon back then see if you can run commands, repeat for all skript addons until you find the one causing the issue. If this is does not fix the issue, I honestly have no idea what caused it and I would try ask on skUnity forums (link: https://forums.skunity.com/forums/) or see if anyone else will help you here. I'm sorry that I haven't been that helpful.
  10. Hey, firstly, your issue with EssentialsX Chat, do you have the main EssentialsX plugin installed? I know this must sound kinda basic, but it is a mistake we all make, as we are all humans. If this is not the case while running your server, are there any errors in the console related to EssentialsX and EssentialsX Chat? Also, make sure you are using up-to-date versions of both plugins. Secondly, for Skript, which permissions plugin did you add, and which skript add on plugins do you have, if any? Also, when you start the server or try to run a skript command, are there any errors related to skript or any skript addons? Thirdly, I try to talk and act how I would in real life, which I believe is the best way to communicate on the internet.
  11. Do you have any skript addon plugins? This happened to me when I had some outdated/old skript addons installed.
  12. You already upvoted my comment, but I have added a GIF on how to in my about me that will display under all my comments from now! If you still have issues with your script, I won't mind helping!
  13. Hey, I believe this is roughly what you want: command /blocks: trigger: send "&bReward: &f%{mined.%player's uuid%}%/100" send "&bTotal: &f%{blocks.%player's uuid%}%" on block break: add 1 to {mined.%player's uuid%} add 1 to {blocks.%player's uuid%} if {mined.%player's uuid%} is greater than 99: set {mined.%player's uuid%} to 0 make console execute command "/crate key set player 18 1" if chance of 1%: make console execute command "/crate key set player 14 1"
  14. I would suggest sending the code of the skript that isn't working and the error your getting when you /skript reload scripts <script-name>. This is so the forum can help.
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