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  1. Pigeuon

    Protocol lib error

    this line: [21:06:12 WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5118ms or 102 ticks behind Normal server ram messages, get used to it after a while so dont worry about that [21:05:54 ERROR]: [ModernPluginLoadingStrategy] Ambiguous plugin name 'Skacket' for files 'plugins/Skacket-1.1.0 (1).jar' and 'plugins/Skacket-1.1.0.jar' in 'plugins' this means that you have the same plugin twice in the plugins folder and can mess up which version it selects... Update protocollib to your server version or a version of protocollib version that is compatible with your server version and update any other plugins that are dependencies or interact with protocollib in order to ensure no issues arise. if you wanted to know what the error means: you are unable to send packets using protocollib methods meaning the api could be messed up and have mismatched versions and compatibility
  2. I am self hosting my server and connected it to a minehut external server, only issue is that the minehut external does not say the server is online and when I join, its stuck on "Joining world" screen, then disconnects me. Here is my startup parameters: I use my internal ip to start the server and my external ip for the external server. I dont notice any issues that could cause this and I receive no errors in my server console. (Im self hosting with my own pc and using multicraft and I have a purchased license key for multicraft too) UPDATE: just found out the ip was not being port forwarded, so I did that. But now I am having this error: Does anyone know a fix?
  3. I was wondering how I would remove the tooltips like attack speed, attack damage from an item in a gui. Here is a gui that I want to remove the tooltips from: set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&8Kits" set slot 0 of {_gui} to golden sword Thanks
  4. Hello, I have been looking into creating a custom buy gui, as I have seen many other servers do this like changing the icons text and such. Is there a way to use deluxemenus for this or does anyone have a way to do this and if so send a download? Thanks.
  5. If you have seen my recent post, the issue with plugins timing out is still happening. I got on this morning to my server and it was greifed because somehow worldgaurd is disabled. I am paying for my server and this is the terrible service minehut returns? Can some staff help me fix my server?
  6. So for some background, I was in my server afking, then came back and it said that the server timed out. I go to minehut to check console as the server is restarting, and this error comes up for every single plugin when starting up: [03:59:53] [Server thread/WARN]: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out and [03:59:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling SuperVanish v6.2.7 (Is it up to date?) except the error happens for every plugin while loading up.
  7. Pigeuon

    My Server Broke

    If you didnt create a backup of the world, there is no way to roll back your server. This was most likely caused by server crashing or server corruption. Use backups more often to avoid this issue.
  8. No there is no way to stop this, minehut by default lets other users start an offline server
  9. What do you mean "dont work"? That is a very general term, be more specific.
  10. Pigeuon

    i cant join my server

    Usually youll see this when your server is book banned. But most likely I dont think this could have happened on your server. So I would assume your server's ram is to low for the size of your server, or your server is corrupted, and otherwise, you will have to reset the world. If that doesnt work, try resetting the server. And if none of those work, I would try contacting minehut directly with their support page on the minehut site. It can also be that your server is crashing when it starts.
  11. Use a permission manager such as luckperms and then you can find permissions for essentials here: https://essinfo.xeya.me/permissions.html
  12. Your file manager is empty because the server is crashing before it can download your server files. Your console is also blank because you may have exited out of the tab when it crashed and it didnt update. Your server may be crashing from a Server Ram overload or corrupted plugin/server settings. I would reset either the world or the entire server to fix this issue.
  13. Estou usando o google tradutor porque eu não falo português, mas posso te ajudar. Seu problema pode ser que seus servidores antigos estejam corrompidos. Eu tentaria redefinir o servidor, isso também pode ser porque a memória RAM do seu servidor é muito baixa para o tamanho do seu servidor antigo.
  14. Get spigot on your server if you havent already and download the Skript plugin. When you installed it, go to your server files where it says plugins, then click on the Skript folder, go to scripts folder, then click create file, then name it whatever you want but with a .sk at the end, (ex. spawn.sk) then click create. Then click on that file and copy and paste this text: command /setspawn: trigger: if player is op: set {global.survival.spawn} to player's position send "&6Spawn: &7The Global Survival Spawn has been set." command /spawn: trigger: set {_waitedcommandspawn} to difference between {spawn.teleport.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waitedcommandspawn} is less than 30 seconds: message "&6Spawn: &7You cannot use this command &7for &a%difference between 30 seconds and {_waitedcommandspawn}%&7." stop else: if {global.survival.spawn} is set: teleport player to {global.survival.spawn} set {spawn.teleport.%player%.lastused} to now send "&6Spawn: &7You was teleported to the Spawn Zone." else: if player has op: send "&6Spawn: &cThere is no spawn. Create one using &e/setspawn" After that click save, then go back to your minecraft and make sure you joined your server, and run the command: (/sk reload thenameofthefile.sk) and then boom. You can use /setspawn and then use /spawn to tp to that location!
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