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Mwuhh 11
Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
Mwuhh 11
Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
Mwuhh 11
Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
gabinun 0
so i made the skript to mimic essential ofc this is not fully essential since its so big but this is a important part of essential there is still alot of things missing like /warp /jail and /nick so here you go
command invsee <player>:
Edited by gabinun
permission: op
aliases: inv
open arg's inventory to player
command trash:
open chest inventory with 4 rows named "&7&lᴛʀᴀsʜ" to player
command setspawn:
permission: "op"
set {spawn} to position of player
command spawn:
teleport player to {spawn}
on join:
teleport player to {spawn}
on respawn:
teleport player to {spawn}
on chat:
set the chat format to "%player's display name% %message%"
command sudo <player> <text>:
make arg-1 say arg-2
command ci <offlineplayer>:
aliases: clear
clear inventory of arg-1
command ender-clear <offlineplayer>:
aliases: clear
clear arg-1's ender chest
command speed <number>:
player is flying:
set player's fly speed to arg
send "&aFly speed set to %arg%"
else if player is walking:
set player's walk speed to arg
send "&aWalk speed set to %arg%"
command ec:
aliases: ender, enderchest
open the player's ender chest to the player
command broadcast <text>:
aliases: bs
broadcast colored arg-1