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About This Club

A minehut guns server with balanced progression, prioritizing skill over gear or grinding. Using both crackshot and skript to give you a more original take on guns PvP.

Server Name



  1. What's new in this club
  2. Upgraded to 2 GB Plan Due to incessant server crashes and lag, I upgraded the server slots to 25 max players and 2 GB to try and help. I'm not even sure if there'll be a noticeable difference though, because it is possible its just a minehut issue. Though the server was running at just 1 GB previously, so now with double the RAM at the very least there should be some increases in performance- hope this helps with the recent issues.
  3. Patch [1.2.2] + Made minor changes to Darthmouth + New Armsel Striker automatic shotgun + New RT-20 DMR
  4. Patch [2.1.1] * Your wins will now be recorded in /stats * Possibly fixed the glitch of players winning the round with a ridiculously high number of kills
  5. Update [2.1.0] + DPI-K2 SMG + EM-2 Assault Rifle
  6. Double Exp Event In celebration of the full release of the server, you will earn 200 exp instead of 100 for every kill you get- enjoy!
  7. Guns Release - Update [2.0.0] *Fixed a bug with /autodeploy where cancelling it when the countdown already started would still make you deploy *Fixed tab bug +Added the current map name to tab +Players now receive 5 Credits every time they hit a 10 rank milestone, as well as 20 Credits at rank 50 and 50 Credits at 100 +During the intermission a message will be sent saying the chosen map for the next round +Added a new map: Darthmouth +Added 7 new guns
  8. Since you've never joined the server before I won't be able to give you the ranks until you do because the command doesn't register your name as being linked to an account. Just remind me to do it once you've joined either in game or here on the forums.
  9. This is the FULL RELEASE of the Guns server. Info on the Full Release:You'll be able to progress normally, and once we have released expect for more updates such as more maps, new weapons, and added features. Everyone who is a member of this club will be boosted 5 ranks, all you have to do is go to the general category and reply to the "Forums Reward" thread with your in game username!
  10. Lets do it Kman_the_AWESOME
  11. Patch [1.2.1] +Added a "Wins" stat that will display in /stats *Ranks 51+ now only have a 3% exp requirement increase, instead of the original 5% *Players can now prestige at rank 50 *Fixed various bugs
  12. Update [1.2.0] - Wins & Streaks *Fixed many minor bugs +Added a /help command which will display all of the in-game custom commands +Added a /discord command which will give the player a link to the server discord +Added kill streaks, which will give you varying amounts of XP and regeneration for getting kill streaks +Added a round-winner system +Players now receive a bit of server info when they first join, prompting them to use /help
  13. 5 credits every 10 ranks. Prestiging starts at rank 50. Rank 50 - 10 credits. Rank 60 - 15 credits. Rank 80 - 25 credits. Rank 100 - 50 credits. Rank 150 - 200 credits. The rank 100 being less would mean 65 credits total for prestiging at rank 100. or The other suggestion I made ( in the MC chat ) about 5 rankups - 1 credit like you added.
  • Posts

    • Post moved to the Skript Discussion category, please ensure you're posting in the correct place next time! You can use something like this to give player a named item. This example gives a player 1 diamond named "Test" in green:

      give player 1 of diamond named "&a&lTest"


    • So I wanted to know how to make a skript where it gives the player an item with a name. But I can not figure it out. Please help!

    • Getting a server plan and joining the server directly will remove that intermediate lobby.

    • What are you stuck on? Also you should use metadata to make GUIs. Like this:

      command /shop:
      		set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "Shop"
      		set slot 0 of {_gui} with diamond named "Diamond: $50"
      		set metadata tag "shop" of player to {_gui}
      		open {_gui} to player
      on inventory click:
      	event-inventory is metadata tag "shop" of player
      	cancel event
      	if index of event-slot is 0:
      		# remove money, give diamond

      And if you want to make it even better, look into using functions to simplify the process and so you don't have to manually specify each item and its price and click action.

    • command /menu:
              set {_menu} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&6 Menu"
              set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "&9Shop" # is the name of diamond item
              open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click: # Listen for players clicking in an inventory.
          name of event-inventory is "&6 Menu"
          cancel event
          set {_menu} to a new chest inventory with 3 row named "&9Shop" # opens a new chest called shop
          set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "&2Buy for $157"
          open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&9Shop"
          cancel event
          set {_menu} to a new chest inventory named "Buy"
          set slot integers from 0 to 26 of {_menu} to grey stained glass pane with name " "
          set slot 13 of {_menu} to diamond named "diamond" # is the name of diamond item
          set slot 12 of {_menu} to red stained glass pane named "&4-1"
          set slot 14 of {_menu} to green stained glass pane named "&2+1"
          set slot 22 of {_menu} to green dye named "&aConfirm"
          set slot 4 of {_menu} to red dye named "&cCancel"
          open {_menu} to player
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&aBuy"
          cancel event
          if index of event-slot is 4:
              close player's inventory
      on inventory click:
          name of event-inventory is "&aBuy"
          cancel event
          if index of event-slot is 13:

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